Init: Term:
reverse complement
nr BAI39457.1 Length Start End E-value Length(%) Iden(%) Posi(%)
Query 668 14 627 e-111 100.59 32.93 54.04
Subject 672 2 661
Annot transposase, partial [Oryza sativa Japonica Group]
araport AT3G42170.2 Length Start End E-value Length(%) Iden(%) Posi(%)
Query 668 54 627 3e-53 100.89 23.95 42.81
Subject 674 41 651
Annot | BED zinc finger and hAT dimerization domain-containing protein DAYSLEEPER | Chr3:14321838-14323928 FORWARD LENGTH=674 | 201606
Analysis Signature Location E-value InterPro
Accession Description Start Stop
HMMPfam PF05699 Dimer_Tnp_hAT 548 627 9.5e-25 IPR008906
HMMPfam PF02892 zf-BED 72 108 0.00011 IPR003656
ProfileScan PS50808 ZF_BED 56 121 9.961 IPR003656
superfamily SSF53098 Ribonuclease H-like 192 633 9.4e-76 IPR012337
superfamily SSF57667 C2H2 and C2HC zinc fingers 59 122 5.5e-07 NULL
HMMPanther PTHR10775:SF11 SUBFAMILY NOT NAMED 58 630 4.8e-112 NULL
HMMPanther PTHR10775 UNCHARACTERIZED 58 630 4.8e-112 NULL
